“…These studies expose the true value of what they intend to measure, enabling the inference of how much the obtained results represent or not the truth (Polit & Beck, ). These results are essential for the improvement of diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes classifications (Appoloni, Herdman, Napoleão, Carvalho, & Hortense, ; Cavalcante et al., ; Chaves, Carvalho, & Hass, ; Chaves, Carvalho, Terra, & Souza, ; Lopes, Altino, & Silva, ; Lucena, Holsbach, Pruinelli, Cardoso, & Mello, ; Seganfredo & Almeida, ; Souza et al., ; Teixeira, Becker, Citro, Zanetti, & Landim, ; Zeleníková, Ziaková, Cáp, & Jarošová, ). In the studies validating the content of standardized nursing languages, the experts must be knowledgeable about the phenomenon studied in order to assess its representativeness or relevance.…”