The article is devoted to determining the resource potential of Ukraine in supplying industry with germanium. Statistical information on the potential content of germanium in various types of mineral raw materials located on the territory of Ukraine is summarized. The trends of the world market of germanium consumption in industry have been established. The value of the average content of germanium in coal deposits of the Lviv-Volynsky and Donetsky basins is given. It has been established that the greatest potential for germanium extraction is found in lignite deposits, the content of the valuable mineral in which can be ten times higher than that of hard coal. According to the results of research, germanium is found in the condition standards in ferruginous quartzites of the Annivske deposit of Kryvbas, Horishno-Plavnenske, Lavrykivske and Bilanivske deposits of the Kremenchuk district. The average content of germanium in ore deposits formed from magnetite, hematite, ribeckite, etc. was also determined. The approximate resource availability of germanium contained in deposits of coal, ore and non-ore raw materials of Ukraine was determined.