Survey respondents over-forecast inflation: they expect it to be higher
than it turns out to be. Furthermore, people are generally overconfident in
their forecasts. In two experiments, we show that providing outcome feedback
that informs people of the actual level of the inflation that they have
forecast reduces both over-forecasting and overconfidence in forecasts.
These improvements were preserved even after feedback had been withdrawn, a
finding that indicates that they were not produced because feedback had a
temporary incentive effect but because it had a more permanent learning
effect. However, providing forecasters with more outcome feedback did not
have a greater effect. Feedback appears to provide people with information
about biases in their judgments and, once they have received that
information, no additional advantage is obtained by giving it to them again.
Reducing over-forecasting also had no clear effect on overall error. This
was because providing outcome feedback after every judgment also affected
the noise or random error in forecasts, increasing it by a sufficient amount
to cancel out the benefits provided by the reduction in