Although various limits on the predicability of physical phenomena as well as on physical knowables are commonly established and accepted, we challenge their ultimate validity. More precisely, we claim that fundamental limits arise only from our limited imagination and fantasy. To illustrate this thesis we give evidence that the well-known Turing incomputability barrier can be trespassed via quantum indeterminacy. From this algorithmic viewpoint, the "fine tuning" of physical phenomena amounts to a "(re)programming" of the universe.Take a few moments for some anecdotal recollections. Nuclear science has made true the ancient alchemic dream of producing gold from other elements such as mercury through nuclear reactions. A century ago, similar claims would have disqualified anybody presenting them as quack. Medical chemistry discovered antibiotics which cure Bubonic plague, tuberculosis, syphilis, bacterial pneumonia, as well as a wide range of bacterial infectious diseases which were considered untreatable only one hundred years ago. For contemporaries it is hard to imagine the kind of isolation, scarcity in international communication, entertainment and transportation most of our ancestors had to cope with. * To appear in H. Zenil (ed.
1This historic anecdotal evidence suggests that what is considered tractable, operational and feasible depends on time. One could even extend speculations to the point where everything that is imaginable is also feasible. In what follows, we shall concentrate on some physical issues which might turn out to become relevant in the no-so-distant future, and which might affect the life of the generations succeeding ours to a considerable degree. In particular, we shall consider the connections between time, space and the limit velocity of light in vacuum; we shall ponder upon measurement; and we shall discuss physical indeterminism and randomness, and its relations to the possibility of trespassing the Turing incomputability barrier.
Space-timeOne of the findings of special relativity theory is the impossibility to trespass the speed of light barrier "from below;" i.e., by starting out with subluminal speed. This fundamental limit applies also to communication and information transfer. Amazingly, this holds true even when quantum mechanics and "nonlocal quantum correlations" are taken into account, stimulating a notion of "peaceful coexistence" between quantum mechanics and special relativity theory. Thereby, superluminal particles, as well as the inclusion of field theoretic effects such as an index of refraction smaller than unity, supercavitation in the quantum ether, or general relativistic effects by locally rotating masses, wormholes or local contraction and expansion of space-time, possibly also related to time travel, to name but a few, cannot be excluded a priory.Recent operational definitions of space-time and velocity, in order to physically represent the former, conventionalised the latter: Initially, the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuum in all referen...