Design of UV laser pulses for the preparation of matrix isolated homonuclear diatomic molecules in selective vibrational superposition states D 1 ( 2 B 2g )→D 0 ( 2 A u ) fluorescence from the matrix-isolated perylene cation following laser excitation into the D 5 ( 2 B 3g ) and D 2 ( 2 B 3g ) electronic states Reactions of laser-ablated Zn and Cd atoms with O2: Infrared spectra of ZnO, OZnO, CdO, and OCdO in solid argon Two vibronic transitions, 2 ⌬ 3/2 (vЈϭ0)← 2 ⌬ 5/2 (vЉϭ0) and 2 ⌸ 3/2 (vЈϭ0)← 2 ⌬ 5/2 (vЉϭ0) at 923 and 2560 cm Ϫ1 , respectively, were observed for NiH in solid argon ͑and krypton͒ at 4 K. These ⍀ϭ3/2←⍀ϭ5/2 transitions were shifted and broadened by magnetic fields of up to 4 T. Also, its ground state vibrational frequency has been observed in neon, argon, and krypton matrices. Bands in the 600-2000 cm Ϫ1 region were assigned as frequencies of the NiH 2 ͑NiD 2 , NiHD͒ molecule. Contrary to earlier ab initio calculations, this assignment implies that the molecule is strongly bent in its ground electronic state. This discrepancy was explored theoretically by considering the lowest triplet ͑linear͒ and singlet ͑bent͒ states of NiH 2 . The relative energies of the two states have not been satisfactorily resolved, but the calculated structural and vibrational properties of the singlet state are in good agreement with the observations.