Summary: To determine how vasopressin affects the vas cular tone of the smaller cerebral arterioles, we carried out an in vitro study of isolated and cannulated intrace rebral arterioles of rats. We found that increasing con centrations of vasopressin induced a triphasic response of vasodilation (10-1 2 _10-11 M), vasoconstriction (10-10-10-8 M), and vasodilation stabilizing to control diameter (10-7-10-6 M) and that the maximum constriction was twice the maximum dilation in these smaller arterioles [21.2 ± 13.1% (mean ± SD) decrease in diameter vs. 11.2 ± 5.7% increase]. Pretreatment of the arterioles with� monomethyl-L-arginine (10-4 M), a specific inhibitor of endothelium-derived relaxing factor, abolished the vaso pressin-induced vasodilation and significantly increased the vasoconstriction. These results suggest that these ar terioles were maintained in a dilated state by an endotheVasopressin, a known circulating hormone and neuropeptide, has been implicated in the local con trol of cerebral blood flow, since vasopressin immunoreactive fibers and vasopressin receptors have been demonstrated in cerebral arteries (ltakura et aI. , 1988) and in cerebral microvessels (Pearlmutter et aI. , 1988). However, the effects of vasopressin on the cerebral circulation are com plex. Vasopressin has been reported to be both a vasoconstrictor (Lluch et aI. , 1984;Nakai, 1987; Martin de Aguilera et aI. , 1990; Fugii et aI. , 1991) and a vasodilator (Kozniewska et aI. , 1979;Katusic Received June 1, 1992; final revision received August 31, 1992; accepted September 1, 1992.Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. M. Takayasu at Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Nagoya University, 65 Tsuruma-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466, Japan.Abbreviations used: AVP, arginine vasopressin; EDRF, en dothelium-derived relaxing factor; L-NMMA, ,vo -monomethyl L-arginine; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage.
304lium-derived relaxing factor activated by vasopressin. Both vasodilation and vasoconstriction were found to be mediated through vasopressin VI receptors in a study of arterioles pretreated with d(CH 2 )5 Tyr(Me)arginine vaso pressin (10-6 M), a vasopressin VI receptor antagonist. These results support the hypothesis that vasopressin may constrict smaller cerebral arterioles while simulta neously dilating larger cerebral arteries. Our results also suggest that vasopressin may aggravate cerebral ischemia in pathological conditions, such as subarachnoid hemor rhage, when the arteriolar response to vasopressin shifts from vasodilation to vasoconstriction due to increased vasopressin levels in plasma and CSF and impaired en dothelium-derived relaxation. Key Words: Arterioles Cerebral microcirculation-Endothelium-derived relax ation-Vasopressin. et aI., 1984). Perivascular application of high con centrations of lysine vasopressin failed to exert any influence on rat pial arterioles (Lassoff and Altura, 1980). Our previous work showed that vasopressin dilated larger cerebral arteries, such as the basilar arteries, while decreasin...