Isokinetic eccentric exercise as a model to induce and reproduce pathophysiological alterations related to delayed onset muscle soreness Lund H, Vestergaard-Poulsen P, Kanstrup I-L, Sejrsen I? Isokinetic eccentric exercise as a model to induce and reproduce pathophysiological alterations related to delayed onset muscle soreness. Scand J Med Sci Sports 1998: 8: 208-215. 0 Munksgaard, 1998 Physiological alterations following unaccustomed eccentric exercise in an isokinetic dynamometer of the right m. quadriceps until exhaustion were studied, in order to create a model in which the physiological responses to physiotherapy could be measured. In experiment I (exp. I), seven selected parameters were measured bilaterally in 7 healthy subjects at day 0 as a control value. Then after a standardized bout of eccentric exercise the same parameters were measured daily for the following 7 d (test values). The measured parameters were: the ratio of phosphocreatine to inorganic phosphate (PCriP,), the ratio of inorganic phosphate to adenosintriphosphate (PilATP), the ratio of phosphocreatine to adenosintriphosphate (PCrlATP) (all three ratios measured with "P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy), dynamic muscle strength, plasma creatine kinase (CK), degree of pain and "muscle" blood flow rate ('33Xenon washout technique). This was repeated in experiment I1 (exp. 11) 6-12 months later in order to study reproducibility. In experiment I11 (exp. 111), the normal fluctuations over 8 d of the seven parameters were measured, without intervention with eccentric exercise in 6 other subjects. All subjects experienced pain, reaching a maximum 48 h after eccentric exercise in both exp. I and 11. A systematic effect over time for CK (increasing 278% resp. 308%), muscle strength (decreasing more than