The resolution and linewidth control of photoresist patterns over highly reflective substrates, such as aluminum and tantalum disilicide, are significantly improved by the use of reactive-sputtered titanium oxynitride as an antireflection coating. The substrate reflectivities are reduced from over 85% to less than 25%, and when patterned with heavily dyed photoresist on a g-line stepper, or undyed resist on an i-line stepper, submicron resolutions over topography are demonstrated. The TiON thicknesses can be selected to provide the m a x i m u m process latitude and antireflection, while still permitting stepper alignment. TiON is easily etched in plasmas eontaining chlorine, thereby reproducing the photoresist patterns in the substrates with no extra plasma processing steps. The remaining TiON can either be removed with the photoresist or left as a passivation layer, depending on the photoresist stripping conditions used.The difficulty in high-resolution patterning of photoresist on reflective topography is well documented (1). The exposing light couples with the light reflected from the substrate, creating standing waves and distortions in the photoresist coating. Pattern distortions are also caused by the light reflected angularly from topological features. Figure 1 illustrates both kinds of reflective distortions for undyed resist patterned on tantalum disilicide. The linewidth variability on top of the island is due to the interference effects resulting from variations in the resist thickness over the island. The degradation of the photoresist line in the island recess is due to light reflection off the walls of the recess.Several lithographic techniques have been presented for patterning on reflective topography. One approach, "ARC" (2), uses a thin polyamic acid film containing an absorbing dye between the substrate and the photoresist. The organic film is partially polymerized by baking so that its solubility matches the solubility of the exposed photoresist in the aqueous, alkaline developer. If the ARC baking temperature or time are not exactly controlled, the resultant images will be either undersized from too little, or oversized from too much baking.Multilayer imaging systems eliminate substrate reflections with a heavily dyed planarization layer (3). A thin photoresist coating is imaged and the pattern transferred to the suhstrate by plasma etching. Although effective, multilayer imaging systems are still considered too complex for patterning most device levels.Another approach to reduce reflective distortions proposes using a thin, inorganic, "antireflective" coating, such as 160/~ of amorphous silicon (4) over the reflective substrates. The reflectivity of the wafer depends critically on the thickness of the silicon coating. For instance, the reflectivity of aluminum decreases from 38 to 7% as the thickness of the amorphous silicon antireflection coating increases from 100 to 200/k (4). Since depo~tion thicknesses are generally controllable to only _+ 100A in production, using less than 300A of si...