The Ilıca, Ç ataldag and Kozak granitoids, cropping out in the northern part of the İzmir-Ankara (İA) suture zone in west Anatolia, Turkey, intrude metamorphic rocks of the Sakarya continent (SC) and Karakaya complex, and are unconformably overlain by Miocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The Ilıca and Kozak granitoids comprised granodioritic and granitic rocks and include mafic microgranular enclaves. The Ç ataldag granitoid massif is subdivided into three lithological units: the Bozenköy granodiorite, Ç ataltepe biotite granite and Turfaldag biotite granodiorite. Hornblende separates from the Ilıca granitoid yield K-Ar cooling ages that range from Oligocene (29 Ma) to Early Miocene (21 Ma). Biotite separates from subunits of the Ç ataldag granitoid massif yield K-Ar cooling ages of 21À22 Ma. The Kozak granitoid possesses hornblende and biotite KAr cooling ages ranging from 17 to 21 Ma. Fractional crystallization (FC), assimilation-combined FC, magma mixing and crustal contamination were the main processes which modified the compositions of magmas during crystallization. The Ilıca, Ç ataldag and Kozak granitoids were derived from different magma sources generated by the partial melting of various sources such as metasomatized mantle and crustal material in a post-collisional extensional setting following continent-continent collision between the SC and Taurus-Menderes Massif along the İA suture zone in west Anatolia, Turkey. OligoÀMiocene K-Ar hornblende/biotite cooling ages seem to be driven with a rapid cooling and fast exhumation of a mid-crustal section that can be resulted from a regional extensional geodynamic setting related to the subduction roll-back of the present-day Mediterranean oceanic lithosphere in the Aegean region in west and northwest Anatolia, Turkey.