“…Abdomen: Ventrite I with white pubescence, moderately abundant, but not obscuring integument, except fringe of dense yellow pubescence laterally; ventrites II-IV with yellow pubescence laterally, white centrally, both abundant but not obscuring integument, except fringe of dense pubescence on the lateral posterior margin; ventrite V with yellow pubescence laterally, white centrally, both abundant but not obscuring integument; with a few long, erect, white setae laterally of ventrite I, yellowish-white laterally of ventrites II-IV, and yellowish-white and yellowish-brown setae laterally of ventrite V. Figures 15-19. Obscenoides compta (Martins & Galileo, 2005) comb. nov., male abdomen: (15) Dorsal; (16) Ventral with detailed tergite VIII; (17) Lateral with detailed tubercle at ventrite V; (18) Posterior; (19) Lateral, schema highlighting the internal position of the genitalia: ml (in green) = median lobe, viii (in red) = tergite VIII, tg (in yellow) = tegmen.…”