studies showed that the L57F and F93W alcohol dehydrogenases
catalyze the oxidation of benzyl alcohol with some quantum mechanical
hydrogen tunneling, whereas the V203A enzyme has diminished tunneling.
Here, steady-state kinetics for the L57F and F93W enzymes were studied,
and microscopic rate constants for the ordered bi-bi mechanism were
estimated from simulations of transient kinetics for the S48T, F93A, S48T/F93A, F93W, and L57F
enzymes. Catalytic efficiencies for benzyl alcohol oxidation (V
b) vary over a range of ∼100-fold for the less
active enzymes up to the L57F enzyme and are mostly associated with
the binding of alcohol rather than the rate constants for hydride
transfer. In contrast, catalytic efficiencies for benzaldehyde reduction
p) are ∼500-fold higher for the L57F
enzyme than for the less active enzymes and are mostly associated
with the rate constants for hydride transfer. Atomic-resolution structures
(1.1 Å) for the F93W and L57F enzymes complexed with NAD+ and 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl alcohol or 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol
are almost identical to previous structures for the wild-type, S48T,
and V203A enzymes. Least-squares refinement with SHELXL shows that
the nicotinamide ring is slightly strained in all complexes and that
the apparent donor–acceptor distances from C4N of NAD to C7
of pentafluorobenzyl alcohol range from 3.28 to 3.49 Å (±0.02
Å) and are not correlated with the rate constants for hydride
transfer or hydrogen tunneling. How the substitutions affect the dynamics
of reorganization during hydrogen transfer and the extent of tunneling
remain to be determined.