A hierarchy of isotopically substituted recombination reactions is formulated for production of sulfur allotropes in the anoxic atmosphere of Archean Earth. The corresponding system of kinetics equations is solved analytically to obtain concise expressions for isotopic enrichments, with focus on massindependent isotope effects due to symmetry, ignoring smaller mass-dependent effects. Proper inclusion of atom-exchange processes is shown to be important. This model predicts significant and equal depletions driven by reaction stoichiometry for all rare isotopes: 33 S, 34 S, and 36 S. Interestingly, the ratio of capital Δ values obtained within this model for 33 S and 36 S is −1.16, very close to the mass-independent fractionation line of the Archean rock record. This model may finally offer a mechanistic explanation for the striking mass-independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes that took place in the Archean atmosphere of Earth.S-MIF | mass-independent fractionation | Archean atmosphere | sulfur recombination | isotope effect M ass-independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes (S-MIF) in the Archean rock record (1-6) serves as strong evidence of an anoxic atmosphere (7-9), indicating a low-oxygen gasphase chemistry before 2.3 billion y ago. However, the actual chemical process, or processes, responsible for generation of significant enrichments of sulfur-bearing species in heavy isotopes of sulfur, and leading to mass-independent fractionation, still remains unidentified. Some mass-independent fractionation was observed experimentally in SO 2 photolysis (10-12) and in nonadiabatic dynamics of SO 2 photodissociation (13,14). Another important chemical pathway, specific to a low-oxygen atmosphere (7,8,(15)(16)(17), is a chain of recombination reactions that start from recombination of photolytically produced sulfur atoms (S + S → S 2 ), go through formation of larger sulfur allotropes (S + S 2 → S 3 , S 2 + S 2 → S 4 , and S + S 3 → S 4 ), and end up at the elemental sulfur (S 4 + S 4 → S 8 ) that can be deposited, preserved, and could contribute to S-MIF in the Archean atmosphere. Unfortunately, experimental studies of gas-phase sulfur chemistry and photochemistry are complicated, and their results are often not entirely certain. Moreover, sulfur has four stable isotopes ( 32 S, 33 S, 34 S, and 36 S), which leads to a multitude of possible isotopic combinations of reagents and products in the recombination reactions listed above. It is unlikely that all these processes will be characterized experimentally at the required level of detail any time soon. Thus, it is desirable to analyze these reactions theoretically to determine whether a significant enrichment of rare sulfur isotopes is at all possible through these processes, and what steps are the most important.We build upon our experience (18-21) with the recombination reaction that forms ozone, O + O 2 → O 3 , and is known to produce significant mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes 17 O). In this paper we attempt to export these two major ele...