Four species of Gymnadenia are native to Kosovo: G. conopsea, G. frivaldii, G. nigra, and G. odoratissima. In this study, field expedition data, phytosociological relevés, herbarium specimens along with extensive literature sources were used to analyse vegetation and ecological characteristics, habitat types, distributional patterns as well as provide notes on conservation. Gymnadenia conopsea is distributed throughout the country, from lowlands to the alpine belt. It was recorded in various plant communities. Gymnadenia frivaldii grows in the alpine zone of mountains, close to streams and in wet meadows. Its relevés belong to the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae. This species is classified as “Near Threatened” (NT) in Kosovo. Gymnadenia nigra grows in subalpine and alpine grassland on preferably calcareous substrate. It has been found in almost all mountains reaching >2000 m a.s.l., and occurs in different plant communities belonging to the class: Elyno-Seslerietea. Gymnadenia odoratissima was recorded from one locality only in Kosovo, on the massif of Maja e Zezë, Sharri Mts. It was growing in degraded beech forest and meadows on silicate bedrock. Its floristically diverse relevés associate with the class: Mulgedio-Aconitetea. Of the four studied species, G. frivaldii deserves more conservation attention because of its fragile populations.