The spatial-temporal LT-contradiction matrix is an inventology tool that enables exact calculations of certain parameters in an engineering system through mathematical-physical modeling. It objectifies the decision-making process and creates the preconditions to finding an adequate resource (X-element) with a higher probability, and thus to reach a higher degree of ideality solution (HDIS) of an inventive problem as well. Any engineering system that generates an inventive problem can be described using the LT-contradiction matrix. By crossing the appropriate parameters in the LT-contradiction matrix, with the help of the differential geometry of the tensor, a qualitative-quantitative analysis and calculation of relevant degree all contradictions that exist in the inventive problem can be performed. After that, the path to finding the physical characteristics of the X-element in the mathematical-physical model is facilitated, i.e. finding a real resource that will enable a HDIS of the inventive problem in an engineering system.