We observe energy-dependent angle-resolved diffraction patterns in protons from strong-field dissociation of the molecular hydrogen ion H + 2 . The interference is a characteristic of dissociation around a laser-induced conical intersection (LICI), which is a point of contact between two surfaces in the dressed 2-dimensional Born-Oppenheimer potential energy landscape of a diatomic molecule in a strong laser field. The interference magnitude and angular period depend strongly on the energy difference between the initial state and the LICI, consistent with coherent diffraction around a cone-shaped potential barrier whose width and thickness depend on the relative energy of the initial state and the cone apex. These findings are supported by numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for similar experimental conditions.The Born-Oppenheimer approximation (BOA) represents intramolecular dynamics as the motion of nuclear wave packets on potential energy surfaces (PES) of electronic eigenvalues embedded in the space of nuclear geometries. A molecule on a single PES remains there so long as the adiabatic condition is obeyed, i.e. so long as nuclear kinetic energies are small compared to electronic state separations. This assumption must break down, however, if two or more PESs approach each other [1][2][3]. When this happens non-adiabatic couplings between the nearly-degenerate surfaces become important. The true eigenvalues can then be calculated by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in the reduced space of the near degeneracy.According to simple geometrical arguments, molecules with at least two dimensions of internal nuclear motion (i.e. three or more atoms) must have some points where two or more PESs become degenerate, a condition known as a conical intersection (CI) [4]. These CIs play a key role in the relaxation dynamics of most polyatomic molecules including important biochemical processes such as the photostability of DNA [5], and the preliminary process of vision [6]. The dimension of the CI manifold is two less than the internal nuclear geometry. Thus for the simplest case of a tri-atomic molecule, the CI manifold has dimensionality of 3N − 8 = 1. The topological nature of CIs allows the nonadiabatic couplings to diverge and thus display related phenomena such as a geometric or Berry's phase [4,7] in wavepackets that circumnavigate the CI.Naturally occurring CIs cannot exist for a free diatomic molecule because the internuclear separation vector R is the only internal nuclear degree of freedom, and this is insufficient to fulfil the crossing condition. The nonadiabatic terms in the full Hamiltonian cause the BOA states to repel according to the so-called "no-crossing" rule. A diatomic molecule in a strong laser field, however, has a second degree of freedom defined by the laser polarization ε. When viewed in a Floquet basis of laserdressed electronic states, a molecule coupled by this field can exhibit a point of degeneracy called a light-induced conical intersection (LICI) in the 2−dimension...