The involvement of mucopolysaccharide synthesis in cell locomotion was investigated by determining the effects of inhibition of synthesis on ruffling membrane activity and cell movement by embryonic heart fibroblasts. Mucopolysaccharide synthesis was inhibited directly by treatment with a glutamine analog, 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON), and indirectly with cycloheximide. DON treatment reduced synthesis to 20% of control values, and cycloheximide reduced synthesis to less than 10% of control values, as measured by incorporation of [86S]sulfate into mucopolysaccharides. Nevertheless, ruffling membrane activity and cell locomotion continued under both conditions. Cytochalasin B did not inhibit mucopolysaccharide synthesis, although it did stop ruffling and locomotion. These results suggest that if mucopolysaccharides are required for cell movement, they must have long half-lives or represent only a minute fraction of the normal synthetic load.In recent years, use of refined techniques has provided insight into the mechanism of vertebrate cell locomotion in vitro. Time-lapse cinematography (lngram, 1969; Abercrombie et ai., 1970;Harris, 1973), as well as light and electron microscopy (Buckley and Porter, 1967;Spooner et al., 1971;Goldman, 1972), has revealed several behavioral characteristics of migrating cells and implicated specific subcellular structures in generating the motive forces for movement. Understanding cell movement has been facilitated by recognizing that effective translocation results from three successive events. First, the cell extends its leading edge forward into space above the substratum. Second, some portion of the extended leading edge is lowered and adheres to the substratum with a net adhesive force greater than that of more posterior points of adhesion. Third, a cytoplasmic contraction (or an elastic recoil) takes place between the anterior area of adhesion and more posterior ones, resulting in the cell moving forward as posterior adhesions are broken. This locomotory cycle is repeated as the cell continues to translocate.A number of investigators are beginning to gain insight into the extension step of locomotion (Ingram, 1969; Abercromhie et al., 1970;Harris, 1973;, and rapidly accumulating evidence implicates actin and myosin in the contractile phase of the locomotory cycle (Bray, 1973;