5177 www.MaterialsViews.com wileyonlinelibrary.com capability to control the distortions and engineer their properties. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] At such interfaces, the in-plane lattice spacing of the two oxides is required to match (the so-called strain effect), resulting in modifi cations of the octahedral deformations and tilts, which impact the properties. Recent theoretical studies have shown that besides the strain effect, the interfacial connection between the BO 6 octahedra with different tilt patterns and angles is crucial for structural and functional properties. [22][23][24][25][26][27] However, characterizing changes in the oxygen octahedral deformation and tilt across the heterointerface has been a big experimental challenge, and the corresponding effects on properties have not been clarifi ed yet.Recently, we demonstrated that highresolution high-angle annular dark-fi eld (HAADF) and annular bright-fi eld (ABF) imaging in aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) allow us to determine the precise atomic positions of all constituent atoms, including oxygen, across a heterointerface. [ 14 ] With this technique, we revealed that even in a strained fi lm, wherein the in-plane lattice spacing is identical to that of the substrate, there are some degrees of freedom of the oxygen atomic positions, namely the octahedral tilt angle. This implies that the oxygen atoms comprising the octahedra play a critical role in accommodating the strain energy associated with octahedral distortions due to matching of the in-plane lattice parameters and octahedral connection angles at the interface. This raises another possibility that different types of distortions can be introduced and manipulated in the octahedral framework by adjusting the oxygen atomic positions.This study focuses on SrRuO 3 (SRO) thin fi lms with +1.0% tensile strain grown on (110) GdScO 3 (GSO) substrates. Previously, we found that SRO fi lms undergo a structural phase transition from a distorted-orthorhombic (monoclinic) structure for fi lm thickness below 16 nm to a tetragonal structure above this thickness.[ 2 ] X-ray structure characterizations showed that upon the structural phase transition, there was no difference in the in-plane lattice spacing, suggesting that the transition is driven by changes in the oxygen octahedral tilt in the strained fi lms.Here, we present high-resolution HAADF-and ABF-STEM observations of SRO fi lms to track changes in oxygen atomic positions upon this structural phase transition. The observations revealed that the structural transition originates Structural distortions in the oxygen octahedral network in transition-metal oxides play crucial roles in yielding a broad spectrum of functional properties, and precise control of such distortions is a key for developing future oxidebased electronics. Here, it is shown that the displacement of apical oxygen atom shared between the octahedra at the heterointerface is a determining parameter for these distortions and consequently for cont...