In Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhizobia arginine can be used as the sole nitrogenous nutrient via degradation by an inducible arginase. These microorganisms were found to exhibit argininc inhibition of ornithine carbamoyltransferase activity. This inhibition is competitive with respect to ornithine (K, for ornithine = 0.8 mM;Ki for arginine = 0.05 mM). This type of urea cycle regulation has not been observed among other microorganisms which degrade arginine via an arginase. The competitive pattern of this inhibition leads to its being inoperative in ornithine-grown cells, where the intracellular concentration of ornithine is high. In arginine-grown cells, however, the intracellular arginine and ornithine concentrations are compatible with inhibition and ornithine recycling appears to be effectively blocked in vivo.Many organisms are able to both synthesize arginine and degrade it for use as the sole nitrogen source and even as sole carbon and nitrogen source. Arginine biosynthesis is a very uniform process in which ornithine and citrulline are intermediates. In contrast, catabolism can follow numerous different pathways [l, 21. In what follows we shall focus on microorganisms which use the arginase pathway of arginine catabolism. This pathway leads to ornithine and urea and could therefore lead to recycling of ornithine via the anabolic pathway in the absence of adequate regulation [3]. When present, the regulation of synthesis gives only a partial solution to this problem because preformed enzymes must first disappear by growth dilution.In Ascomycetes two different mechanisms have developed to avoid the setting up of a futile energy-wasting (ornithine) urea cycle. The first mechanism is typified in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This organism exhibits, in addition to regulation of both ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase) and arginase syntheses [3] is justified because OTCase and arginase are in the same subcellular compartment, the cytosol [ll] and a futile urea cycle can thus still operate despite other regulations. The epiarginasic regulation is also present in other genera of budding yeasts having a strong fermentative metabolism 11 23. The second situation is found in the fungus Nrurosporu crussu [13], in a number of fission yeasts or in obligate aerobic yeasts [12, 141 and probably in yeast genera which exhibit low fermentation under aerobic conditions of growth [12]. In N . crasssa, regulation of enzyme synthesis is weak or absent but the second anabolic enzyme is feedback-inhibited by arginine [15] and the sequestration of ornithine and arginine in vesicles makes them unavailable for catabolism under anabolic growth conditions [13]. In contrast to the situation found in Sacch. cerevisiae, epiarginasic regulation is absent. Instead, under catabolic growth conditions, arginine inhibits the entry of ornithine into the mitochondria, where OTCase is locatedIn bacteria the absence of subcellular compartmentation suggests that regulation of enzyme activity will control the cycle. Indeed, in ...