We describe the synthesis, crystallographic characterization of a new CuÀ Salphen compound and its use as a host Lewis-acid against guest anions in two versions: a) free molecule, b) copolymerized with methyl methacrylate:n-butyl acrylate (1 : 4wt.) as protective co-monomers. Higher contents in CuÀ Salphen yielded larger and more homogeneous polymer sizes. Polymer size together with glass transitions, heat capacity, thermal degradation, guest-saturation degrees and host-guest species distribution profiles from spectrophotometric titrations explained growths of up to 630-fold in K 11 and 180000-fold in K 12 for the host's binding site attributable to a solvophobic protection from the macromolecular structure. Spectrofluorimetry revealed blue-shifted × 13-16 larger luminescence for CuÀ Salphen in the polymers (λ em = 488-498 nm) than that of the non-polymerized counterpart (λ em = 510-543 nm) and "turnon" blue-shifted enhanced fluorescence upon guest association. We propose a cooperative incorporation of the guests occurring from the outer medium toward internally protected binding site pockets in the random coil polymer conformations.