Distance From Sensor in meters Depth granularity or resolution in mm Depth granularity or resolution in mm Raw Z depth map Raw YYZ vertex map & Surface normal map 6DOF pose via ICP Volume surface integration 3D surface rendering Volume YYZ vertex map & Surface normal map a. Method of volume integration, 6DOF camera pose, and surface rendering used in KinectFusion [474][475]. Name Middlebury Computer Vision Datasets Description Scholarly and comprehensive datasets, and algorithm comparisons over most of the datasets Categories Stereo vision (excellent), multi-view stereo (excellent), MRF, Optical Flow (excellent), Color processing Contributions Algorithm benchmarks over the datasets can be submitted Key papers Several; see website Owner Middlebury College Link http://vision.middlebury.edu/ Name ADL Activity Recognition Dataset Description Annotated scenes for activity recognition of common living scenes Categories Daily life Tools and apps Activity recognition code available (see link below) Key papers [73] Link http://deepthought.ics.uci.edu/ADLdataset/adl.html Name MIT Indoor Scenes 67, Scene Classification Description Annotated dataset specifically containing diverse indoor scenes Categories 15,620 images organized into 67 indoor categories, some annotations in Labelme format Key papers [74] Link http://web.mit.edu/torralba/www/indoor.html Name RGB-D Object Recognition Dataset, U of W Description Dataset contains RGB and corresponding depth images Categories 300 common household objects, 51 categories using Wordnet similar to Imagenet style (Imagenet dataset reviewed above), each object recorded in RGB and Kinect depth at various rotational angles and viewpoints Key papers [75] Link http://www.cs.washington.edu/rgbd-dataset/ APPENDIX B ■ SurvEy of GrouND TruTh DATASETS 405 Name NYU Depth Datasets Description Annotated dataset of indoor scenes using RGB-D datasets + accelerometer data Categories Over 500,000 frames, many different indoor scenes and scene types, thousands of classes, accelerometer data, inpainted and raw depth information Tools and apps Matlab toolbox + g++ code Key papers [76] Link http://cs.nyu.edu/~silberman/datasets/nyu_depth_v2.html Name Intel Labs Seattle -Egocentric Recognition of Handled Objects Description Annotated dataset for egocentric handled objects using a wearable camera Categories Over 42 everyday objects under varied lighting, occlusion, perspectives; over 6GB total video sequence data Key papers [77] [78] Link http://seattle.intel-research.net/~xren/egovision09/ Name Georgia Tech GTEA Egocentric Activities -Gaze(+) Description Annotated dataset for egocentric handled objects using a wearable camera Categories Many everyday objects under varied lighting, occlusion, perspectives Tools and apps Code library of vision functions and mathematical functions Key papers [79] Link http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~afathi3/GTEA_Gaze_Website/ Name CUReT: Columbia-Utrecht Reflectance and Texture Database Description Extensive texture sample and illumination datasets directions Categories Over 60 di...