The paper presents calculated performances and the electron linac arrangement that is under installation at NSC KIPT. The linac consists of two 1.2-meter long piece-wise homogeneous accelerating structures and the injector including a diode electron gun, a klystron type buncher and an accelerating cavity. The wave phase velocity in the structures is equal to the velocity of the light. Each accelerating structure is powered with the Russian produced S-band klystron KIU-12AM. The linac is equipped with the beam scanning system to extract the beam through an air-cooled foil. The simulation of electron motion in the accelerator was carried out using the PARMELA code. When each accelerating structure is supplied with RF power of 11 MW and the current at the accelerator exit is 1 A, beam energy will be up to 20 MeV. An average beam power is planned to be 20 kW.