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b s t r a c tIn this work, we present a simulation model that makes it possible to find optimal values for various building parameters and the associated impacts that reduce the energy demand or consumption of the building. In the study, we consider several situations with different levels of thermal insulation. To define and to integrate the different models, a formal language (Specification and Description Language, SDL) is used. The main reason for using this formal language is that it makes it possible to define simulation models from graphical diagrams in an unambiguous and standard way. This simplifies the multidisciplinary interaction between team members. Additionally, the fact that SDL is an ISO standard simplifies its implementation because several tools understand this language. This simplification of the model makes it possible to increase the model credibility and simplify the validation and verification processes. In the present project, the simulation tools used were SDLPS (to rule the main simulation process) and Energy+ (as a calculus engine for energy demand). The interactions between all these tools are detailed and specified in the model, allowing a deeper comprehension of the process that define the life of a building from the point of view of its sustainability.