We examine the dynamics of an individually driven skyrmion moving through a background lattice of skyrmions coupled to a 2D periodic substrate as we vary the ratio of the number of skyrmions to the number of pinning sites across commensurate and incommensurate conditions. As the skyrmion density increases, the skyrmion Hall angle is nonmonotonic, dropping to low or zero values in commensurate states and rising to an enhanced value in incommensurate states. Under commensuration, the driven skyrmion is channeled by a symmetry direction of the pinning array and exhibits an increased velocity. At fillings for which the skyrmion Hall angle is zero, the velocity has a narrow band noise signature, while for incommensurate fillings, the skyrmion motion is disordered and the velocity noise is broad band. Under commensurate conditions, multi-step depinning transitions appear and the skyrmion Hall angle is zero at low drives but becomes finite at higher drives, while at incommensurate fillings there is only a single depinning transition. As the gyrotropic component of the skyrmion dynamics, called the Magnus force, increases, peaks in the velocity that appear in commensurate regimes cross over to dips, and new types of directional locking effects can arise in which the skyrmion travels along other symmetry directions of the background lattice. At large Magnus forces, and particularly at commensurate fillings, the driven skyrmion can experience a velocity boost in which the skyrmion moves faster than the applied drive due to the alignment of the Magnus-induced velocity with the driving direction. In some cases, an increase of the Magnus force can produce regimes of enhanced pinning when the skyrmion is forced to move along a non-symmetry direction of the periodic pinning array. This is in contrast to systems with random pinning, where increasing the Magnus force generally reduces the pinning effect. We demonstrate these dynamics for both square and triangular substrates, and map out the different regimes as a function of filling fraction, pinning force, and the strength of the Magnus force in a series of dynamic phase diagrams.