Generating on-demand maximally entangled states is one of the corner stones for quantum information processing. Parity measurements can serve to create Bell states and have been implemented via an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer among others. However, the entanglement generation is necessarily harmed by measurement induced dephasing processes in one of the two parity subspace. In this work, we propose two different schemes of continuous feedback for a parity measurement. They enable us to avoid both the measurement-induced dephasing process and the experimentally unavoidable dephasing, e.g. due to fluctuations of the gate voltages controlling the initialization of the qubits. We show that we can generate maximally entangled steady states in both parity subspaces. Importantly, the measurement scheme we propose is valid for implementation of parity measurements with feedback loops in various solid-state environments.
I. MOTIVATIONThe generation, the control and the read-out of pairs of entangled qubits serve as stepping stones towards the implementation of quantum information protocols. While the readout of individual qubits is typically associated with the irreversible destruction of the given coherent state, it has been shown that a joint measurement of two qubits can serve as an effective mechanism to generate entanglement between two measured qubits initially in a product state, [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] and may be used for error correction schemes.13,14 This measurement-based creation of entanglement is achieved by operating the detector as a parity meter. The corresponding observable in the computational basis of the qubits readsP =σ 1 z ⊗σ 2 z , where σ i z are the Pauli matrices for the qubits i = 1, 2. The parity operator P has two eigenvalues, ±1, corresponding to the even subspace spanned by the states {|↑↑ , |↓↓ }, and to the odd subspace spanned by {|↑↓ , |↓↑ }. Measuring the parity causes the two-qubit state to collapse onto a superposition of even or odd states and, in particular onto the maximally entangled states or Bell states in an ideal situation, |ΨParity measurements have been proposed in various solid-state systems that serve as potential architectures for quantum computing. In circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED), generation of entanglement through a parity measurement has been very recently achieved in 3D circuit QED 15,16 as well as in 2D Circuit QED 17 , an architecture suitable for surface coding. Also quantum transport-based measurements can equally well act as parity measurements: both the quantum point contact (QPC) 4,6 and the electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) 9 have been investigated as parity meters for two double-quantum dots (DDs) chargeOn-demand generation of steady maximally-entangled states via a parity measurement with feedback Generating on-demand maximally entangled states is one of the key corner stones for quantum information processing. Parity measurements can serve to create Bell states and have been implemented via an electronic Mac...