In this work, we have observed the enhancement of carrier concentration in a-In 2 Se 3 at a specific S content. This enhancement results from avoiding the annihilation of defects, such as V In and interstitial In i acting as donors, via the rearrangement of both the cationic and anionic disorders. Therefore, there is a remarkable improvement in electrical conductivity (s). For example, the sample a-In 2 S 0.05 Se 2.95 perpendicular to the pressing direction (C ┴ ) gives the highest s value of 5.56 Â 10 3 V À1 m À1 at 923 K, while the virgin aIn 2 Se 3 gives only 9.17 Â 10 2 V À1 m À1 . In addition, there are dual effects on the lattice thermal conductivity (k L ) resulting from the stabilization of the lattice structure caused by the rearrangement of defect disorder and the lattice distortion from the formation of defect S Se . Therefore, the lattice contribution (k L ) in S-incorporated a-In 2 Se 3 remains relatively high at high temperatures. As a consequence, we have improved the thermoelectric performance, achieving a ZT value of 0.67 for a-In 2 S 0.05 Se 2.95 at 923 K, which is about 2.8 times that of virgin a-In 2 Se 3 (ZT ¼ 0.24 at C ┴ ).