Purpose. For shipboard lifting and transporting machinery (LTM) with AC thyristor electric drives (ED) the problem of minimizing sway through the formation of the special law to change the principle of ED control over the lifting process is solved. Methodology. This goal was achieved through the following objectives: analysis of current studies on the reduction of the negative effects of load fluctuations, fixed on the suspension with variable parameters; determining the criteria to optimize the movement of the lifting mechanism and transfer control laws under which the load fluctuations are reduced; develop the methodology and experimental study of the main characteristics of the mobile model ED lifting mechanism with its load suspended from the perspective of both the parameterization of
the control system (CS) as well as elements of ED. For realization of tasks in research methods of mathematical modeling of dynamic processes on the computer, structural methods of control theory, experimental studies in the laboratory setting have been used. Results. Based on analysis of current research can be concluded that the stability of the ED of LTM to the disturbing points provided coincidence zero electric coordinates and speed deviation diametric plane of the vessel from the vertical position. Criteria for optimizing CS used by the ED LTM mathematical description of its dynamics differential equations to the estimated coefficients derived from the functions of state variables. The experimental dependence of dynamic equations of motion of an object under the influence of disturbing forces in the coordinate plane allowed to parameterize characteristic equation to the form, providing the solution to sustainability since the motor shaft of LTM. The functional circuit of CS eliminates the aperiodic components in the control in compliance with the criteria of sustainability and quality of transients by applying all-range regulator coordinate characteristics of forcing overcoming the dead zone and increase electric resistance as the dynamic object. Practical value. Completion of the complex research may find practical application in the ED of ship's LTM, which will improve their performance, decrease between the operating and maintenance simple. References 15, figures 9.
На основании теоретических и практических исследований двухмассового электропривода судовой грузовой системы рефрижераторного судна, в работе решена научно-техническая проблема усовершенствования системы управления электроприводом, находящегося под разновекторными возмущениями. Результатом выполненных исследований является объединение уравнений, описывающих перемещения груза механизмом подъема рамки держателя паллет, в систему дифференциальных уравнений с коэффициентами, зависящими от колебаний судна. В теоретической части синтезировано математическую модель электромеханической системы механизма подъема, что позволило исследовать способы минимизации углов раскачивания рамки держателя паллет и временных интервалов, необходимых для стабилизации перемещения гр...