Understanding the enhancement of charge carrier generation and their diffusion is imperative for improving the efficiency of optoelectronic devices particularly infrared photodetectors that are less developed than their visible counterpart. Here, using gold nanorods as model plasmonic systems, InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in an InGaAs quantum well as an emitter, and GaAs as an active mediator of surface plasmons for enhancing carrier generation and photon emission, the distance dependence of energy transfer and carrier diffusion have been investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Analysis of the QD emission enhancement as a function of distance reveals a Förster radius of 3.85 ± 0.15 nm, a near-field decay length of 4.8 ± 0.1 nm and an effective carrier diffusion length of 64.0 ± 3.0 nm. Theoretical study of the temporal-evolution of the electron-hole occupation number of the excited states of the QDs indicates that the emission enhancement trend is determined by the carrier diffusion and capture rates.Excitons and localized surface plasmons are the two fundamental excitation characteristics of nanoscale materials. The coupling between excitonic and plasmonic materials promises control of photon emission 1-3 and creation of new metamaterial properties 4, 5 that do not exist in nature. Fundamental understanding of exciton-plasmon interaction can lead to development of efficient photovoltaics [6][7][8] , photodetectors 9,10 , photocatalysis 11,12 and other optoelectronic devices. Classic experiments on exciton-plasmon interactions have often used optically transparent spacer materials between the plasmonic metal and excitonic semiconductor materials 1,3,13,14 . Coupling through optically transparent spacers does not allow studying charge transport process. On the other hand, studies on plasmon enhanced near-infrared photo-detectors are focused on coupling metallic two-dimensional-hole-arrays with layered semiconductor materials such as InAs/InGaAs/GaAs dot-in-a-well (DWELL) structures 9,15 . This enhancement mechanism exploits the extraordinary optical transmission effect 16 , where the transmitted field extends to about 1 μm length covering the whole active region 15 , and does not allow fundamental understanding of localized exciton generation, charge carrier diffusion and recombination.In this work, energy transfer and charge carrier diffusion are investigated systematically taking advantage of the tight electric field localization at the interfaces of plasmonic gold nanorods (AuNRs) and semiconductor GaAs that is grown over the InAs/InGaAs DWELL with accurate control of the GaAs thickness. When excitation energy that is above the GaAs band gap is chosen, the localized electric field enhances generation of electron-hole pairs (excitons) in a defined spatial region away from the InAs QDs so that carrier diffusion and capture rates are studied by monitoring the emission intensity of the QDs. The fact that the GaAs thickness can be controlled with sub-nanometer accuracy allows us to study the distanc...