Table of contents iii Nomenclature iv Heated flow experiments Vertical tube Lower plenum Fluid dynamics experiments for lower plenum Concluding remarks References cited Bo* Jackson buoyancy parameter, Gr* / (Re Dh 3.425 Pr 0.8) d + wire diameter, d u / f, f friction factor, 2 b g c w / G 2 Gr* Grashof number based on heat flux, g q" wall D h 4 / (k 2) K v acceleration parameter, (b / V b 2) (dV b / dx) v Nu Nusselt number, h D h / k b Pr Prandtl number, c p /k q + heat flux, q" wall / (G c p) Re Reynolds number, 4 m / D ; Re Dh , based on hydraulic diameter, G D h / Ri overall Richardson number, g (1-2) H / (1 V b 2) Greek symbols volumetric coefficient of expansion,-(1/) (/ T) p dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy absolute viscosity kinematic viscosity, / density shear stress; w , wall shear stress Subscripts b evaluated at bulk or mixed-mean temperature (or enthalpy) D based on diameter DB Dittus-Boelter [1930] correlation Dh evaluated with hydraulic diameter f, fc forced convection i, in evaluated at inlet, entry j jet max maximum value p support post ref evaluated at reference conditions w, wall wall, evaluated at wall temperature Control Rod Drive Assembly Refueling Stand Pipe Control Rod Guide tubes