This review addresses the coordination chemistry (mainly) enabled by using the univalent [M(fluoroarene) 2-3 ] + [Al(OR F ) 4 ] Àsalts (M=Ga, In; R F =C(CF 3 ) 3 ) as robust starting materials. In the course of this work, it became clear that the orbital energy of the ns 2 (n = 4, 5) lone pair in such [:M(L) n ] + cations reacts drastically depending on the quality of the ligand employed. Activation of the lone pair with strong σ-donor ligands might be used for bond activation and oxidative addition reactions. Yet, unexpectedly, using sterically undemanding and electron rich ligands with limited π-accepting properties, aggregation to highly charged and rather unusual univalent cluster cations [M n (L) m ]°+ (n = 2…5, m = 4…6, o = 3…5) was observed. An overview and rationalization of these findings is presented here.