The spectrum of two spin-up and two spin-down fermions in a trap is calculated using a correlated gaussian basis throughout the range of the BCS-BEC crossover. These accurate calculations provide a few-body solution to the crossover problem. This solution is used to study the time-evolution of the system as the scattering length is changed, mimicking experiments with Fermi gases near FanoFeshbach resonances. The structure of avoiding crossings in the spectrum allow us to understand the dynamics of the system as a sequence of Landau-Zener transitions. Finally, we propose a ramping scheme to study atom-molecule coherence.
PACS numbers:Optical lattices are a powerful tool to study few body systems. When tunneling is negligible, optical lattices can be viewed as an ensemble of individual harmonic traps where the properties of these systems can be studied. The interaction between the particles can be tuned using a Fano-Feshbach resonance [1] and the number of particles in each lattice site can be controlled [2,3]. In a recent experiment with optical lattices, the spectrum of two fermions in a trap has been measured [2], demonstrating that few body trapped systems can be studied in their own right. Also, the BCS-BEC crossover has been routinely explored in experiments with ultracold Fermi gases [4,5,6,7,8,9]. In this Letter, we explore the spectrum and dynamics of four trapped particles and we show how a few-body formulation allows us to obtain accurate solutions of the system without making the standard approximations of many-body theory. This provides an explicit representation of avoided crossings between the atomic degenerate Fermi gas (DFG or BCS)-type states and molecular BEC-type states. Our results directly apply to optical lattice experiments and they provide a fewbody perspective on BCS-BEC crossover dynamics.Specifically, we calculate the spectrum of two pairs of trapped fermionic atoms interacting through short-range potentials, all with the same mass m. One pair is assumed to be distinguishable from the other pair, but the two atoms within each pair are indistinguishable. The s-wave scattering length a of the short-range interactions will be tuned in the standard manner,[1] which allows us to explore the BCS-BEC crossover as a function of interaction strength near a broad Fano-Feshbach resonance. Even though the BCS theory is not expected to apply to a 4-particle system, we still use this term to refer to the dynamical regime where a is small and negative. By solving the problem from a few-body perspective, we are able to give accurate properties -especially energy levels as well as time-dependent dynamics -of the full quantum mechanical spectrum at zero temperature. As a result we achieve a deeper understanding of the global topology of the spectrum, in addition to making quantitative predictions of transition probabilities and dynamical properties of this system when interactions change with time as in experiments [4,5,6,7,8,9].To obtain the energy spectrum, we use a correlated gaussian basis set [10,11...