With central densities as high as 5-10 times the nuclear saturation density, neutron stars exhibit extreme conditions that cannot be observed elsewhere. They are ideal astrophysical laboratories for probing the composition and properties of cold, ultradense matter. We shall discuss taking into account currently available data from observation, how to reveal possible sharp phase transitions in dense neutron star cores.
GLOBAL ASPECTS OF STABLE HYBRID STARSThe global structure of compact stars, including properties such as the mass, radius, tidal deformability, and the moment of inertia, are obtained for a realistic EoS by numerically solving Einstein equations of hydrostatic equilibrium, the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov (TOV) equations [4,5]. Due to poorly constrained short-distance behavior of twoand three-nucleon interaction, there are large uncertainties in the nuclear matter EoS above 1-2 times saturation density, leading to variations in predicted radii and maximum masses of neutron stars. In the densest inner cores of neutron stars, exotic matter such as hyperons, meson condensates, or deconfined quarks may appear and even dominate. There are phenomenological models that describe possible novel phases, limited by the non-perturbative nature of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) at pertinent densities that prevents rigorous predictions. *