This text analyses the result of the application of infographics as a teaching tool in university teaching. In this case, this study focuses on the analysis of the results obtained from this educational innovation used to deliver the subject "Introduction to the Conservation and Restoration of golds and polychromies" as part of the Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the Universitat Politècnica de València.Infographics are presented as a visual, attractive, didactic and dynamic ICT tool, considered to be very useful, as it contains complex content in diagrams, which follow current social visual codes and can provide a service applicable to many disciplines, if it focuses on the direction of information transfer in teaching.The aim of this study is to assess the results obtained after the application of individual and group infographics, as an element of evaluation of content acquisition, combined with other teaching techniques. The students' own assessment is taken into account, focusing the study on whether it has been useful for their learning, if it helped them synthesize content and develop their practical and critical thinking.