We study Pw∗ (nX∗, Y), the Banach space of all n−homogeneous polynomials which are w∗ −w−continuous, endowed with the sup norm. The following facts are proved:
(1) c0(Γ) embeds in Pw∗ (nX∗, Y ) iff either ℓ∞(Γ) embeds in Pw∗ (nX∗, Y ) or c0(Γ) embeds in the sum X ⊕ Y.
(2) If c0(Γ) is isomorphic to a complemented subspace of Pw∗ (nX∗, Y ), then c0(Γ) embeds in X ⊕ Y .
We also extend some linear techniques in order to embed complementably c0(Γ) in either Pw∗ (nX∗, Y ) or P(nX, Y), the Banach space of all n−homogeneous polynomials from X to Y , endowed with the sup norm.
Finally, if Pw∗K(nX∗, Y) is the closed subspace of all compact polynomials in Pw∗ (nX∗, Y), we prove that ℓ∞ embeds in Pw∗K (nX∗, Y) iff ℓ∞embeds in either X or Y . As a consequence, we prove that if c0 embeds in Pw∗K(nX∗, Y), then Pw∗K(nX∗, Y ) = nX∗ (nX∗, Y) iff only one of the following statements is true:
(1) c0 embeds in Y and X has the Schur property,
(2) c0 embeds in X and Y has the Schur property.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46B03, 46B25, 46E40, 46G25.