Ozonolysis is an oxidative cleavage reaction of alkenes with ozone that is indispensable and has found many applications in organic synthesis. However, dedicated laboratory ozone generators are quite expensive equipment and may not be affordable by many laboratories. Recently, lowcost ozone disinfectors have become more common as a household appliance. Herein, we demonstrate the applicability of a household ozone disinfector, which can produce ozone in the order of 10 mmol/h, as alternative equipment for the laboratory scale ozonolysis of alkenes. The ozonolysis of 14 styrene derivatives bearing electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups on aromatic rings including those with αand β-substituents, as well as 8 natural products containing olefinic moieties were investigated. Ozonolysis of these alkenes at millimole scales proceeded to completion within 30-40 minutes and the carbonyl products were obtained in 68% to quantitative yields. Preparative-scale ozonolysis of 4-methoxystyrene (6.17 g, 46 mmol) was also demonstrated. The reaction proceeded smoothly to yield 4anisaldehyde in 92% yield, which was subsequently converted to p-anisaldehyde dimethyl acetal in 66% yield. This work presents household ozone disinfector as an affordable, compact size, and practical synthetic equipment that does not require extra modification. Thus, the household ozone disinfector offers convenient access to ozonolysis or other reactions involving ozone for low-budget laboratories.