The improvement of the technical equipment effectiveness is currently becoming particularly important. This applies not only to large and high-energy-intensive machines, but also to household appliances, the total energy consumption of which often exceeds the energy consumption of the overall equipment. These types of devices include, in particular, grinding and cutting equipment. The mathematical description of the processes carried out on this equipment is generalized and can be extended to a wider class of machines, including waste processing and mining equipment. The technological parameters, the design of screw grinders, and the processes of movement, deformation, extrusion and cutting carried out in them are characterized by a significant number of factors affecting the energy intensity. The main ones are the geometric parameters of the screw, machine’s body, cross knife, grinding plate’s thickness, the number and diameter of holes in it, as well as the product’s physical-mechanical characteristics and operating conditions. The most important for the mathematical description are the zones and processes where the main share of the consumed power is spent. The complexity of their analytical description is due to a simplified consideration of either individual technological zones of grinders’ existing designs, or the use of unreasonable simplifications.