Milnor and Thurston's famous paper proved monotonicity of the topological entropy for the real quadratic family. Guckenheimer showed that it is Hölder continuous. We obtain a precise formula for the Hölder exponent at almost every quadratic parameter.Furthermore, the entropy of most parameters is proven to be in a set of Hausdorff dimension smaller than one, while most values of the entropy arise from a set of parameters of dimension smaller than one. * N.D. was supported by the ERC Bridges grant † N.M. was supported by the ERC AG COMPAS grant, CNRS semester and ANR LAMBDA 1 Douady, Hubbard and Sullivan had proven that the number of periodic orbits of some fixed period is monotonically decreasing, which implies the monotonicity of entropy. This result was unpublished, a later version was published by Douady [15].