5 thier@uni-tuebingen.de 6 7 HIGHLIGHTS 8  Common marmosets follow the head gaze of conspecifics in order to establish joint 9 attention. 10  Brief exposures to head gaze are sufficient to reallocate an animal´s attention. 11  The tendency to follow the other´s gaze competes with the attractional binding of the 12 conspecific´s face ABSTRACT 26The ability to extract the direction of the other´s gaze allows us to shift our attention to an object 27 of interest to the other and to establish joint attention. By mapping one´s own expectations, 28 desires and intentions on the object of joint attention, humans develop a Theory of (the other´s) 29Mind (TOM), a functional sequence possibly disrupted in autism. Although old world monkeys 30 probably do not possess a TOM, they follow the other´s gaze and they establish joint attention. 31Gaze following of both humans and old world monkeys fulfills Fodor´s criteria of a domain specific 32 function and is orchestrated by very similar cortical architectures, strongly suggesting homology. 33Also new world monkeys, a primate suborder that split from the old world monkey line about 35 34 million years ago, have complex social structures. One member of this group, the common 35 marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), has received increasing interest as a potential model in studies of 36 normal and disturbed human social cognition. Marmosets are known to follow human head-gaze. 37However, the question is if they use gaze following to establish joint attention with conspecifics. 38Here we show that this is indeed the case. In a free choice task, head-restrained marmosets 39 prefer objects gazed at by a conspecific and, moreover, they exhibit considerably shorter choice 40 reaction times for the same objects. These findings support the assumption of an evolutionary old 41 domain specific faculty shared within the primate order and they underline the potential value of 42 marmosets in studies of normal and disturbed joint attention. 43
45Common marmosets are well known for having a peculiar interest in faces [1,2]. Unlike macaques, 46 the species of old world primates studied best, and other non-human primate species, they often 47