Seventeen corneas obtained 2-72 h post mortem, from donors aged 17-78 years, were cultivated for 24 h, cryopreserved, thawed, cultivated for another 24 h and grafted. One year post-operatively 12 of the 17 grafts were clear. In 10 of these 12 cases the visual acuity was greater than or equal to 0.33. One primary graft failure occurred, while 4 primarily clear grafts became cloudy due to glaucoma (2), phthisis bulbi (1) and herpetic reinfection (1). One year after the transplantations the central thickness of the clear grafts was 0.51 mm, and the endothelial cell density was 1028 cells/mm2, corresponding to 32% of the cell density before cryopreservation. This endothelial cell loss was not correlated to donor age or to the time between the death of the donor and the primary cultivation.