High precision monitoring of infrastructure using 1 artificial reflectors is possible with freely available Sentinel-1 2 data, but large reflectors are needed. We find that a triangular 3 trihedral corner reflector should typically have at least 1 m inner 4 leg length. 5 As such large reflectors are often not feasible for use in urban 6 areas for essential infrastructure monitoring, we designed a 7 multiple corner-reflector array to replace a single corner reflector 8 with an inner leg length of 1 m. In this case, we use four reflectors 9 where each of them is a truncated triangular trihedral with an 10 inner leg length of 0.33 m. We measured InSAR amplitude, phase 11 and coherence of this reflector array with various configurations 12 of alignments of the array. We find that as long as great care 13 is taken in the relative positioning of the four corner reflectors, 14 so that they constructively interfere, each horizontal or vertical 15 configuration provides the expected amplitude, coherence and 16 phase stability.17Applications of multiple small corner reflectors in urban 18 areas range from essential infrastructure monitoring (e.g bridges, 19 overpasses, tunnel constructions), through assessment of struc-20 tural health of buildings, to monitoring highway and railway 21 embankments. We show that the multiple corner array works 22 when placed in a single InSAR resolution cell, but depending on 23 the application, the number and projection of corner reflectors 24 can be varied, as long as sufficient signal-to-clutter ratio is 25 achieved in the area of interest. 26 Index Terms-Corner Reflectors, InSAR, Infrastructure mon-27 itoring 28 I. INTRODUCTION 29 O UR ever-expanding structural infrastructure is in con-30 stant need of monitoring and maintenance due to damage 31 from regular use and exposure to natural processes. It is near-32 impossible to manually inspect all bridges, railways, highways, 33 and other essential infrastructure to predict and avoid failures 34 that might result in loss of life and great economic losses. 35 Recent advances in various remote sensing methods have 36 improved our capabilities to monitor large areas with various 37 techniques of different temporal and spatial resolutions.38 In particular, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (In-39 SAR) is being widely used for ground motion detection for 40 various applications ranging from world-wide natural haz-41 ard monitoring (e.g. [1]), and early warning (e.g. [2], [3]) 42 through nation-wide infrastructure and land observation (e.g.43 [4], [5]) to small-scale studies of local deformations (e.g.