Many Internet of ings and embedded projects are event-driven, and therefore require asynchronous and concurrent programming.Current proposals for C++20 suggest that coroutines will have native language support. It is timely to survey the current use of coroutines in embedded systems paper investigates existing research which uses or describes coroutines on resource-constrained platforms. e existing research is analysed with regard to: so ware platform, hardware platform and capacity;use cases and intended bene ts; and the application programming interface design used for coroutines. A systematic mapping study was performed, to select studies published between 2007 and 2018 which contained original research into the application of coroutines on resource-constrained platforms. An initial set of 566 candidate papers, collated from on-line databases, were reduced to only 35 a er lters were applied, revealing the following taxonomy. e C & C++ programming languages were used by 22 studies out of 35.As regards hardware, 16 studies used 8-or 16-bit processors while 13 used 32-bit processors. e four most common use cases were concurrency (17 papers), network communication (15), sensor readings (9) and data ow (7). e leading intended bene ts were code style and simplicity (12 papers), scheduling (9) and e ciency (8). A wide variety of techniques have been used to implement coroutines, including native macros, additional tool chain steps, new language features and non-portable assembly language. We conclude that there is widespread demand for coroutines on resource-constrained devices. Our ndings suggest that there is signi cant demand for a formalised, stable, well-supported implementation of coroutines in C++, designed with consideration of the special needs of resource-constrained devices, and further that such an implementation would bring bene ts speci c to such devices.