The Joint Decree on Implementation Guidelines for Certain Articles in the ITE Law, signed by the Minister of Communication and Informatics, the Chief of Police and the Attorney General, is an attempt by the government to minimize multiple interpretations of articles in the ITE Law. This study aims to express the charge ideology of The Decision with Guidelines for The Implementation of Law ITE and the implications of applying The Joint Decree. The data of this research is a document of the Joint Decree on Guidelines for the Implementation of the ITE Law, which contains explanations of terms in the articles on hate speech, insults, defamation, threats, racism/discrimination, and the spread of immoral content (articles 27, 28, 29). The data is downloaded from the official website of the Indonesian Supreme Court. This research is a critical discourse analysis research with the Fairclough CDA model. Based on the analysis results, the discourse on the Joint Decree has an ideology of legal clarity and equality for all people. Analysis of the dimensions of discourse practice shows that the principles of clarity and legal equality still need to be adequately embodied in the articles of the ITE Law so that the Joint Decree needs to be issued. The provision of clarification on articles certainly indicates the need for more unified perceptions between law enforcement in interpreting articles in Law ITE. This Joint Decree also has the potential for not being punished for someone who commits an act that harms other parties and even triggers racist/discrimination conflicts.