Legume seeds contain a large amount of proteins and are one of the essential protein sources for humans and animals. However, the protein in legume seeds is usually poor in sulfur-containing amino acids, and its nutritional value is lower than the protein from animal sources Recently plant breeding has become available by the introduction of molecular biology, and a technique, called molecular breeding, was applied to the production of legume seeds that contain proteins with high nutritional quality. This review describes the expression of legume seed protein genes and the transformation of legume plants. Approaches to improve the legume seed storage protein will be discussed.
Key words: Gene expression --Legume seed m Molecular breeding m Nutritional quality--Seed storage protein TransformationThe seed is an organ for propagation of higher plants and it contains a large amount of reserves, which are available to sustain the young plant after seed germination. The reserves in the seed have been utilized as the primary source of nutrition for human beings and livestock. The protein content in legume seeds (>20%) is higher than that in cereals (<15%) (Bewley and Black 1994). Therefore, legume seeds have become one of the essential protein sources for human beings. However, the protein in legume seeds is usually deficient in methionine, one of the essential amino acids, and hence the legume seed has a nutritional imbalance. The methionine content in phaseolin, a major bean seed protein, for example, is much lower than that in the major egg protein, ovalbumin (Fig. 1). Production of a larger amount of methionine-rich proteins in the legume seed would be expected to improve the nutritional quality of the seed protein.Molecular biology has been introduced into plant breeding for this decade and the technique is called molecular breeding. For the application of molecular breeding to improve the nutritional quality of legume seed proteins, we need to make a chimeric gene that is constructed by fusion of a seed-specific promoter to a gene for a methionine-rich protein and then to introduce the chimeric gene into a cultivated species of legume plants. Although the transformation of legume plants had been limited by the failure in regeneration of the plants from the cultured cells, development of the plant gene transfer technique is now overcoming the difficulty of regeneration. In this review, firstly we describe regulation of the expression of the seed-specific genes and the effect of sulfur on gene expression. Secondly we introduce the regeneration and transformation of legume plants. Finally we will report on the current strategy to improve the nutritional quality of seed storage proteins using the technique of molecular breeding.