The article discusses the urgent problem of improving the information interaction between Rosreestr and the Federal Tax Service of the country, the optimization of the solution of which will allow not only to collect all planned taxes and tax payments in full and on time, but also to take into account within the framework of tax policy a fundamental aspect – the need for a consistent transition of regions to a "green" economy and sustainable development. Plans for such a transition have been developed and their subsequent adjustment is reflected in the Presidential Development Program of the country for the period until 2024, and in certain areas – until 2035. The complexity of their implemen-tation is mainly determined by economic reasons, reluctance, and in some cases, the premature im-plementation of environmentally expensive projects. The article proposed and analyzed options for taxation of real estate, allowing in the future to significantly increase, with a simultaneous differentia-tion of the tax burden, tax revenues to the budgets of different levels. Particular attention is paid to the theoretical and methodological foundations of the interaction of scientific technological knowledge and the practice determined by it, which are available in modern land management, cadastre and land monitoring represented by Rosreestr, with the main economic regulators of the NBP, represented by its partner, the Federal Tax Service, which has not only practical but also theoretical significance, empha-sized, in particular, by the rich content and multipurpose practice of world land management. The re-sults of this study were conclusions regarding a certain generality of the results of the activities of Rosreestr and the Federal Tax Service on modeling real geospace; increasing the possibilities of mod-ern knowledge in the field of land management and cadastre in solving problems of improving the in-formation support of property taxation.