Arterial hypotension syndrome is inherent in a number of organic and functional diseases. Different causes of hypotension determine the spectrum of medicines used to increase blood pressure. Hypotension can cause fatigue and dizziness, but the necessary exercise programs can be sufficient to normalize the condition without the intervention of drug therapy. In children and adolescents, primary arterial hypotension develops against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome with vagotonia-specific clinical symptomatology. It can take an unstable reversible course. The article presents drug-free modalities of the treatment of hypotension and examines medicines that raise blood pressure. Medications of this group are used both in shock states of various genesis and collapses, and in arterial hypotension, allergic reactions, especially accompanied by low blood pressure, and in bronchial asthma. The choice of drugs is determined, first of all, according to the nosological form, the state of basic myocardial functions (contractility, excitability, and automatism), intensity of adverse reactions, presence of concomitant diseases, and functional state of excretion organs.