The leading-order dispersion and
exchange-dispersion terms in symmetry-adapted
perturbation theory (SAPT), E
(20) and E
(20), suffer from slow convergence to the complete basis set limit. To
alleviate this problem, explicitly correlated variants of these corrections, E
(20)-F12 and E
(20)-F12, have been proposed recently.
However, the original formalism (KodryckaM.
M., Kodrycka
J. Chem. Theory Comput.20191559655986), while highly successful in terms of improving convergence, was
not competitive to conventional orbital-based SAPT in terms of computational
efficiency due to the need to manipulate several kinds of two-electron
integrals. In this work, we eliminate this need by decomposing all
types of two-electron integrals using robust density fitting. We demonstrate
that the error of the density fitting approximation is negligible
when standard auxiliary bases such as aug-cc-pVXZ/MP2FIT
are employed. The new implementation allowed us to study all complexes
in the A24 database in basis sets up to aug-cc-pV5Z, and the E
(20)-F12 and E
(20)-F12 values exhibit vastly improved
basis set convergence over their conventional counterparts. The well-converged E
(20)-F12 and E
(20)-F12 numbers can be substituted for
conventional E
(20) and E
(20) ones in a calculation
of the total SAPT interaction energy at any level (SAPT0, SAPT2+3,
...). We show that the addition of F12 terms does not improve the
accuracy of low-level SAPT treatments. However, when the theory errors
are minimized in high-level SAPT approaches such as SAPT2+3(CCD)δMP2,
the reduction of basis set incompleteness errors thanks to the F12
treatment substantially improves the accuracy of small-basis calculations.