Abstract. The concept of electronic correlations plays an important role in modern condensed matter physics. It refers to interaction effects which cannot be explained within a static meanfield picture as provided by Hartree-Fock theory. Electronic correlations can have a very strong influence on the properties of materials. For example, they may turn a metal into an insulator (Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition). In these lecture notes I (i) introduce basic notions of the physics of correlated electronic systems, (ii) discuss the construction of mean-field theories by taking the limit of high lattice dimensions, (iii) explain the simplifications of the many-body perturbation theory in this limit which provide the basis for the formulation of a comprehensive mean-field theory for correlated fermions, the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), (v) derive the DMFT self-consistency equations, and (vi) apply the DMFT to investigate electronic correlations in models and materials.