Coulomb interaction turns anyonic quasiparticles of a primary quantum Hall liquid with filling factor ν = 1/(2m + 1) into hard-core anyons. We have developed a model of coherent transport of such quasiparticles in systems of multiple antidots by extending the Wigner-Jordan description of 1D abelian anyons to tunneling problems. We show that the anyonic exchange statistics manifests itself in tunneling conductance even in the absence of quasiparticle exchanges. In particular, it can be seen as a non-vanishing resonant peak associated with quasiparticle tunneling through a line of three antidots. [5,6]. The situation with fractional statistics is so far less certain even in the case of the abelian statistics, which is the subject of this work. Although the recent experiments [7] demonstrating unusual flux periodicity of conductance of a quasiparticle interferometer can be interpreted as a manifestation of the fractional statistics [8,9], this interpretation is not universally accepted [10,11]. There is a number of theoretical proposals (see, e.g., [12,13]) suggesting tunnel structures where the statistics manifests itself through noise properties. Partly due to complexity of noise measurements, such experiments have not been performed successfully up to now. In this work, we show that coherent quasiparticle dynamics in multiantidot structures should provide clear signatures of the exchange statistics in dc transport. Most notably, in tunneling through a line of three antidots, fractional statistics leads to a non-vanishing peak of the tunnel conductance which would vanish for integer statistics.These effects rely on the ability of quantum antidots to localize individual quasiparticles of the QH liq- uids [4,14,15]. The resulting transport phenomena in antidots are very similar to those associated with the Coulomb blockade [16] in tunneling of individual electrons in dots. For instance, similarly to a quantum dot [19], the linear conductance of one antidot shows periodic oscillations with each period corresponding to the addition of one quasiparticle [4,14,15,17,18]. Recently, we have developed a theory of such Coulomb-blockade-type tunneling for a double-antidot system [20], where quasiparticle exchange statistics does not affect the transport. The goal of this work is to extend this theory to antidot structures where the statistics does affect the conductance. The two simplest structures with this property consist of three antidots and have quasi-1D geometries with either periodic or open boundary conditions (Fig. 1). A technical issue that needed to be resolved to calculate the tunnel conductance is that the anyonic field operators defined through the Wigner-Jordan transformation [21,22,23,24], are not fully sufficient in the situations of tunneling. As we show below, to obtain correct matrix elements for anyon tunneling, one needs to keep track of the appropriate boundary conditions of the wavefunctions which are not accounted for in the field operators.Specifically, we consider the antidots coupled by tunneli...