The magnetic and transport properties of MgB 2 films represent performance goals yet to be attained by powder-processed bulk samples and conductors. Carbon-doped films have exhibited upper critical fields, μ 0 H c2 , as high as 60 T and a possible upper limit of more than twice this value has been predicted. Very high critical current densities, J c , have also been measured in films, e.g. 25 MA/cm 2 in self field and 7 kA/cm 2 in 15 T. Such performance limits are still out of the reach of even the best MgB 2 magnet wire. In discussing the present status and prospects for improving the performance of powder-based wire we focus attention on (1) the intrinsic (intragrain) superconducting properties of MgB 2 --H c2 and flux pinning, (2) factors that control the efficiency with which current is transported from grain-to-grain in the conductor, an extrinsic (intergrain) property. With regard to Item-(1), the role of dopants in H c2 enhancement is discussed and examples presented. On the other hand their roles in increasing J c , both via H c2 enhancement as well as direct fluxoid/pining-center interaction, are discussed and a comprehensive survey of H c2 dopants and flux-pinning additives is presented. Dopant selection, chemistry, methods of introduction (inclusion), and homogeneity of distribution (via the rounding of the superconducting electronic specific heat transition) are considered. Current transport through the powder-processed wire (an extrinsic property) is partially blocked by the inherent granularity of the material itself and the chemical or other properties of the intergrain surfaces. Overall porosity, including reduced density and intergranular blocking, is quantified in terms of the measured temperature dependence of the normal-state resistivity compared to that of a clean single crystal. Several experimental results are presented in terms of percent effective cross-sectional area for current transport. These and other such results indicate that in many cases less than 15% of the conductor's cross sectional area is able to carry transport current. It is pointed out that densification in association with the elimination of grain-boundary blocking phases would yield five-to ten-fold increases in J c in relevant regimes, enabling the performance of MgB 2 in selected applications to compete with that of Nb 3 Sn. imaging. But to take the next step, whether we are interested in high field 4 K operation, or in the more energy efficient 20 K temperatures regimes well out of the range of the present NbTi and Nb 3 Sn wires, further improvement of the in-field J c is needed. In addressing this issue we must recognize two classes of properties (what might be termed "intrinsic" and "extrinsic", respectively) that are in urgent need of fundamental research. Below, we summarize some of the key issues that need to be addressed.
Intrinsic PropertiesThe essential intrinsic (i.e.intragranular) properties of polycrystalline MgB 2 are H c2 and flux pinning (or, alternatively, intra-grain J c Necessary ...