The deposition of the top gate dielectric in thin film transistor (TFT)-based dual-gate ionsensitive field-effect transistors (DG ISFETs) is critical, and expected not to affect the bottom gate TFT characteristics, while providing a higher pH sensitive surface and efficient capacitive coupling between the gates. Amorphous Ta 2 O 5 , in addition to having good sensing properties, possesses a high dielectric constant of ∼25 making it well suited as the top gate dielectric in a DG ISFET by providing higher capacitive coupling (ratio of C top /C bottom ) leading to higher amplification. To avoid damage of the a-IGZO channel reported to be caused by plasma exposure, deposition of Ta 2 O 5 by e-beam evaporation followed by annealing was investigated in this work to obtain sensitivity over the Nernst limit. The deteriorated bottom gate TFT characteristics, indicated by anincrease in the channel conductance, confirmed thatplasma exposure is not the sole contributor to the changes. Oxygen vacancies at the Ta 2 O 5 /a-IGZO interface, which emerged during processing, increased the channel conductivity, becamefilled by optimum annealing in oxygen at 400 °C for 1 h, which was confirmed by anx-ray photoelectron spectroscopydepth profiling analysis. The obtained pH sensitivity of the TFTbased DG ISFET was 402 mVpH −1 , which is about 6.8 times the Nernst limit (59 mVpH −1 ). The concept of capacitive coupling was also demonstrated by simulating an a-IGZO-based DG TFT structure. Here, the exposure of the top gate dielectric tothe electrolyte without applying any top gate bias led to changes in the measured threshold voltage of the bottom gate TFT, and this obviated the requirement of a reference electrode needed in conventional ISFETs and other reported DG ISFETs. These devices, with high sensitivities and requiring low volumes (∼2 μl) of analyte solution, could be potential candidates for utilization as chemical sensors and biosensors.