HIZEN celadon glazes produced in 1630's to 1790's (Edo period, Japan) have been investigated by means of X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) near a Fe-K edge by using synchrotron radiation and a Mössbauer spectrum. The XAS suggest that the local structure around Fe 2 O 3 fine powders is slightly different between the Izumiyama ceramics of mainly the Quartz-SiO 2 and Ohkawachi ceramics of mainly the feldspar of (K,Na)Si 3 O 8 (Sanidine), and that the glazes of the HIZEN celadons include the Fe 2 O 3 fine powders in the glassy state, though the X-ray diffraction patterns of the glassy celadon glazes do not show any peaks of the Fe 2 O 3 structure. The Mössbauer spectrum suggests that the celadon glaze of Seiji (m) includes only Fe 3+ ions, but not Fe 2+ ions. This indicates the existence of Fe 2 O 3 in the celadon glaze. It is interpreted that the colored brightness of the HIZEN celadons is induced by the structural properties of the used raw celadon ceramics and the other transition-metal ions of Cr, Cu, Zn in the celadon glazes, but not by the chemical reaction from Fe 2 O 3 to FeO under the deoxidizing thermal treatment at higher temperature in a kiln. Keywords: HIZEN celadon glaze, local structure, electronic band states.
Esmaltes de celadon Hizen produzidos dos anos 1630 a 1790 (período Edo, Japão) foram investigados por meio de espectros de absorção de raios X (XAS) próximos da linha Fe-K usando radiação síncrotron e espectro Mossbaues. Os resultados de XAS sugerem que a estrutura local em pós finos de